Jennifer Tovar (

October 31, 2023 Kennesaw State University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid Georgia Engineering Foundation Scholarship To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter on behalf of Jamiel Francis. Jamiel was a student in the Engineering Mechanics: Statics course that I taught in Spring 2023. It was a pleasure to have Jamiel in my class. Over the course of the semester, I observed numerous noteworthy skills in this committed student and aspiring engineer. Jamiel was a hard worker and showed evidence of being a highly motivated individual. He turned in work on time and adjusted well to the evolving class format and assessment procedures. He was able to appropriately apply difficult concepts and build on them with increased complexity throughout the semester. Jamiel showed good communication skills when participating in class discussion and worked effectively as a team on collaborative group quizzes. His outstanding performance in this historically challenging class demonstrates an ability to grasp foundational engineering principles and to apply good problem-solving skills. I believe Jamiel has the required skills, knowledge, and attitude to be a great engineering student. Therefore, it is with no reservation that I highly recommend Jamiel Francis for the Georgia Engineering Foundation Scholarship Program. If you have any questions about this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Jennifer D. Tovar, M.S.E., P.E. (inactive) Part-Time Instructor of Civil Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering SPCEET - Kennesaw State University Email:

Jennifer Tovar (

October 31, 2023 Kennesaw State University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid Georgia Engineering Foundation Scholarship To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter on behalf of Jamiel Francis. Jamiel was a student in the Engineering Mechanics: Statics course that I taught in Spring 2023. It was a pleasure to have Jamiel in my class. Over the course of the semester, I observed numerous noteworthy skills in this committed student and aspiring engineer. Jamiel was a hard worker and showed evidence of being a highly motivated individual. He turned in work on time and adjusted well to the evolving class format and assessment procedures. He was able to appropriately apply difficult concepts and build on them with increased complexity throughout the semester. Jamiel showed good communication skills when participating in class discussion and worked effectively as a team on collaborative group quizzes. His outstanding performance in this historically challenging class demonstrates an ability to grasp foundational engineering principles and to apply good problem-solving skills. I believe Jamiel has the required skills, knowledge, and attitude to be a great engineering student. Therefore, it is with no reservation that I highly recommend Jamiel Francis for the Georgia Engineering Foundation Scholarship Program. If you have any questions about this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Jennifer D. Tovar, M.S.E., P.E. (inactive) Part-Time Instructor of Civil Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering SPCEET - Kennesaw State University Email:

Jennifer Tovar recommends Jamiel Francis

Jennifer Tovar (

October 31, 2023 Kennesaw State University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid Georgia Engineering Foundation Scholarship To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter on behalf of Jamiel Francis. Jamiel was a student in the Engineering Mechanics: Statics course that I taught in Spring 2023. It was a pleasure to have Jamiel in my class. Over the course of the semester, I observed numerous noteworthy skills in this committed student and aspiring engineer. Jamiel was a hard worker and showed evidence of being a highly motivated individual. He turned in work on time and adjusted well to the evolving class format and assessment procedures. He was able to appropriately apply difficult concepts and build on them with increased complexity throughout the semester. Jamiel showed good communication skills when participating in class discussion and worked effectively as a team on collaborative group quizzes. His outstanding performance in this historically challenging class demonstrates an ability to grasp foundational engineering principles and to apply good problem-solving skills. I believe Jamiel has the required skills, knowledge, and attitude to be a great engineering student. Therefore, it is with no reservation that I highly recommend Jamiel Francis for the Georgia Engineering Foundation Scholarship Program. If you have any questions about this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Jennifer D. Tovar, M.S.E., P.E. (inactive) Part-Time Instructor of Civil Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering SPCEET - Kennesaw State University Email:

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