Cristina Madera (

To whom it may concern, It is my pleasure to enthusiastically recommend Xinyang Lin, Alena, for a Georgia Engineering Foundation Scholarship. My name is Cristina Madera, fifth year Electrical & Electronics Engineering student at the University of Georgia (UGA). I have had the pleasure of mentoring Alena since she was accepted into the Engineering Academic Boot Camp at UGA this past summer, where I worked as a Peer Mentor. Out of the fourteen students I mentored, Alena stuck out to me because of her strong desire to learn and be the best engineering student she can be, while maintaining her humility and authenticity. During our time together, Alena has proved to be a curious, diligent, and well rounded student. When working with others, she exhibits a level of maturity and thoughtfulness that is refreshing to see in a first year engineering student. It is apparent that she does not take her role as a student for granted, and prioritizes her success, not only in academics, but professionally as well. In the few months Alena has been at UGA, she has already gotten involved in several College of Engineering organizations. She has also taken the initiative to attend Career Fairs in search of internship opportunities, something few freshmen are already considering. I am confident without reservation that Alena is more than deserving of a GEF Scholarship. As a hardworking, genuine, and versatile individual, a GEF Scholarship will help Alena achieve success in the bright future I have no doubt is in front of her. Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or would like me to further elaborate on Alena’s talents and achievements. Cristina Madera

Cristina Madera (

To whom it may concern, It is my pleasure to enthusiastically recommend Xinyang Lin, Alena, for a Georgia Engineering Foundation Scholarship. My name is Cristina Madera, fifth year Electrical & Electronics Engineering student at the University of Georgia (UGA). I have had the pleasure of mentoring Alena since she was accepted into the Engineering Academic Boot Camp at UGA this past summer, where I worked as a Peer Mentor. Out of the fourteen students I mentored, Alena stuck out to me because of her strong desire to learn and be the best engineering student she can be, while maintaining her humility and authenticity. During our time together, Alena has proved to be a curious, diligent, and well rounded student. When working with others, she exhibits a level of maturity and thoughtfulness that is refreshing to see in a first year engineering student. It is apparent that she does not take her role as a student for granted, and prioritizes her success, not only in academics, but professionally as well. In the few months Alena has been at UGA, she has already gotten involved in several College of Engineering organizations. She has also taken the initiative to attend Career Fairs in search of internship opportunities, something few freshmen are already considering. I am confident without reservation that Alena is more than deserving of a GEF Scholarship. As a hardworking, genuine, and versatile individual, a GEF Scholarship will help Alena achieve success in the bright future I have no doubt is in front of her. Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or would like me to further elaborate on Alena’s talents and achievements. Cristina Madera

Cristina Madera recommends Xinyang Lin

Cristina Madera (

To whom it may concern, It is my pleasure to enthusiastically recommend Xinyang Lin, Alena, for a Georgia Engineering Foundation Scholarship. My name is Cristina Madera, fifth year Electrical & Electronics Engineering student at the University of Georgia (UGA). I have had the pleasure of mentoring Alena since she was accepted into the Engineering Academic Boot Camp at UGA this past summer, where I worked as a Peer Mentor. Out of the fourteen students I mentored, Alena stuck out to me because of her strong desire to learn and be the best engineering student she can be, while maintaining her humility and authenticity. During our time together, Alena has proved to be a curious, diligent, and well rounded student. When working with others, she exhibits a level of maturity and thoughtfulness that is refreshing to see in a first year engineering student. It is apparent that she does not take her role as a student for granted, and prioritizes her success, not only in academics, but professionally as well. In the few months Alena has been at UGA, she has already gotten involved in several College of Engineering organizations. She has also taken the initiative to attend Career Fairs in search of internship opportunities, something few freshmen are already considering. I am confident without reservation that Alena is more than deserving of a GEF Scholarship. As a hardworking, genuine, and versatile individual, a GEF Scholarship will help Alena achieve success in the bright future I have no doubt is in front of her. Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or would like me to further elaborate on Alena’s talents and achievements. Cristina Madera

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