Del Green (

To Whom It May Concern, Keyon Charles has applied for a scholarship from your prestigious organization. To provide consistent support and timely responses for our students, the Kell School Counseling Department uses this standard format for all letters of recommendation. If you need additional information about this student, my contact information is listed below. Course load difficulty: ☐ Most Demanding (mostly AP/College Courses) ☐ Very Demanding (several AP courses) ☐ Demanding (some AP/honors courses) ☒Average (some Honors) ☐ Below Average (standard College Prep courses) Unique characteristics about this student include: 1. Creative 2. Resourceful 3. Logical Overall, Keyon is self-aware, creative, resourceful, and logical. He has shown the ability to adapt to all situations and expectations with grace. Whether laughing with a peer, or assisting a classmate, he always stays true to who he is with an open heart and a calming demeanor. It is with great pleasure that I’m afforded the opportunity to present and recommend Keyon Charles, as he will represent your organization with unwavering perseverance, an admirable work ethic, and noteworthy humility. Based on my interactions with this student and their academic records, I recommend this student as an excellent recipient of your prestigous scholarship: ☒ Enthusiastically ☐ Strongly ☐ Fairly Strongly ☐ With Reservation Best Regards, Del Green Kell High School Counselor Last Names A-D 678-494-7844 Ext. 041

Del Green (

To Whom It May Concern, Keyon Charles has applied for a scholarship from your prestigious organization. To provide consistent support and timely responses for our students, the Kell School Counseling Department uses this standard format for all letters of recommendation. If you need additional information about this student, my contact information is listed below. Course load difficulty: ☐ Most Demanding (mostly AP/College Courses) ☐ Very Demanding (several AP courses) ☐ Demanding (some AP/honors courses) ☒Average (some Honors) ☐ Below Average (standard College Prep courses) Unique characteristics about this student include: 1. Creative 2. Resourceful 3. Logical Overall, Keyon is self-aware, creative, resourceful, and logical. He has shown the ability to adapt to all situations and expectations with grace. Whether laughing with a peer, or assisting a classmate, he always stays true to who he is with an open heart and a calming demeanor. It is with great pleasure that I’m afforded the opportunity to present and recommend Keyon Charles, as he will represent your organization with unwavering perseverance, an admirable work ethic, and noteworthy humility. Based on my interactions with this student and their academic records, I recommend this student as an excellent recipient of your prestigous scholarship: ☒ Enthusiastically ☐ Strongly ☐ Fairly Strongly ☐ With Reservation Best Regards, Del Green Kell High School Counselor Last Names A-D 678-494-7844 Ext. 041

Del Green recommends Keyon Charles

Del Green (

To Whom It May Concern, Keyon Charles has applied for a scholarship from your prestigious organization. To provide consistent support and timely responses for our students, the Kell School Counseling Department uses this standard format for all letters of recommendation. If you need additional information about this student, my contact information is listed below. Course load difficulty: ☐ Most Demanding (mostly AP/College Courses) ☐ Very Demanding (several AP courses) ☐ Demanding (some AP/honors courses) ☒Average (some Honors) ☐ Below Average (standard College Prep courses) Unique characteristics about this student include: 1. Creative 2. Resourceful 3. Logical Overall, Keyon is self-aware, creative, resourceful, and logical. He has shown the ability to adapt to all situations and expectations with grace. Whether laughing with a peer, or assisting a classmate, he always stays true to who he is with an open heart and a calming demeanor. It is with great pleasure that I’m afforded the opportunity to present and recommend Keyon Charles, as he will represent your organization with unwavering perseverance, an admirable work ethic, and noteworthy humility. Based on my interactions with this student and their academic records, I recommend this student as an excellent recipient of your prestigous scholarship: ☒ Enthusiastically ☐ Strongly ☐ Fairly Strongly ☐ With Reservation Best Regards, Del Green Kell High School Counselor Last Names A-D 678-494-7844 Ext. 041

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