Jessica Ventre (

To whom it may concern, Hannah Shin initially made the impression of being a cheerful, focused student who respected her peers and teachers. She’s the sort of student that you don’t have to worry about. She will take care of things. Those things are certainly true, but I truly loved getting to know her more deeply through her time in my class and in her devoted efforts to reinvigorate the environmental club. She demonstrated a high level of maturity, resilience, curiosity, and drive. She is among my most favorite students of my 12 years of teaching. As a leader, she is thoughtful and gracious. She is adept at making space to hear all ideas and find a way to honor the best parts of each person’s ideas. She possesses a beautiful balance of self-worth and humility. She revealed this through her leadership and willingness to work as a co-president with more patience and self-reflection than any co-president I’ve had. I could see it very clearly in her moments of frustration with the co-president. They would have a clear plan and equitable delegation of tasks with a timeline, and the co-president would not always meet the established expectations. Ms. Shin was understandably frustrated but would use the time to reflect on what to do differently in the future, leaving room for her own responsibility in the miscommunication. As a student of AP Environmental Science, Ms. Shin is an intensely curious person. She perfectly embodies the motto of the Science National Honor Society, which I sponsored, “Fortunate are those who know the causes of things.” She loves learning to understand, and with that understanding, she is able to make connections across all of her classes, not just within a single course. She has the unstoppable combination of curiosity, intelligence, and drive. She’s also the sort of student who lifts up those around her. While she has preferred groups to work with, composed of those who don’t try to take advantage of her, she will work with anyone. She lovingly pushes them to be their best selves. I hope that it is clear through my descriptions that Hannah Shin is a beautiful human with maturity, drive, curiosity, and leadership skills. I am positive that she has the resilience to push through the challenging times of life. She is a worthy recipient of your scholarship, and I hope that you consider her among your top candidates. Thank you for your time and consideration. Respectfully, Jessica Ventre Science Teacher 770-888-1235 ext 461256

Jessica Ventre (

To whom it may concern, Hannah Shin initially made the impression of being a cheerful, focused student who respected her peers and teachers. She’s the sort of student that you don’t have to worry about. She will take care of things. Those things are certainly true, but I truly loved getting to know her more deeply through her time in my class and in her devoted efforts to reinvigorate the environmental club. She demonstrated a high level of maturity, resilience, curiosity, and drive. She is among my most favorite students of my 12 years of teaching. As a leader, she is thoughtful and gracious. She is adept at making space to hear all ideas and find a way to honor the best parts of each person’s ideas. She possesses a beautiful balance of self-worth and humility. She revealed this through her leadership and willingness to work as a co-president with more patience and self-reflection than any co-president I’ve had. I could see it very clearly in her moments of frustration with the co-president. They would have a clear plan and equitable delegation of tasks with a timeline, and the co-president would not always meet the established expectations. Ms. Shin was understandably frustrated but would use the time to reflect on what to do differently in the future, leaving room for her own responsibility in the miscommunication. As a student of AP Environmental Science, Ms. Shin is an intensely curious person. She perfectly embodies the motto of the Science National Honor Society, which I sponsored, “Fortunate are those who know the causes of things.” She loves learning to understand, and with that understanding, she is able to make connections across all of her classes, not just within a single course. She has the unstoppable combination of curiosity, intelligence, and drive. She’s also the sort of student who lifts up those around her. While she has preferred groups to work with, composed of those who don’t try to take advantage of her, she will work with anyone. She lovingly pushes them to be their best selves. I hope that it is clear through my descriptions that Hannah Shin is a beautiful human with maturity, drive, curiosity, and leadership skills. I am positive that she has the resilience to push through the challenging times of life. She is a worthy recipient of your scholarship, and I hope that you consider her among your top candidates. Thank you for your time and consideration. Respectfully, Jessica Ventre Science Teacher 770-888-1235 ext 461256

Jessica Ventre recommends Hannah Shin

Jessica Ventre (

To whom it may concern, Hannah Shin initially made the impression of being a cheerful, focused student who respected her peers and teachers. She’s the sort of student that you don’t have to worry about. She will take care of things. Those things are certainly true, but I truly loved getting to know her more deeply through her time in my class and in her devoted efforts to reinvigorate the environmental club. She demonstrated a high level of maturity, resilience, curiosity, and drive. She is among my most favorite students of my 12 years of teaching. As a leader, she is thoughtful and gracious. She is adept at making space to hear all ideas and find a way to honor the best parts of each person’s ideas. She possesses a beautiful balance of self-worth and humility. She revealed this through her leadership and willingness to work as a co-president with more patience and self-reflection than any co-president I’ve had. I could see it very clearly in her moments of frustration with the co-president. They would have a clear plan and equitable delegation of tasks with a timeline, and the co-president would not always meet the established expectations. Ms. Shin was understandably frustrated but would use the time to reflect on what to do differently in the future, leaving room for her own responsibility in the miscommunication. As a student of AP Environmental Science, Ms. Shin is an intensely curious person. She perfectly embodies the motto of the Science National Honor Society, which I sponsored, “Fortunate are those who know the causes of things.” She loves learning to understand, and with that understanding, she is able to make connections across all of her classes, not just within a single course. She has the unstoppable combination of curiosity, intelligence, and drive. She’s also the sort of student who lifts up those around her. While she has preferred groups to work with, composed of those who don’t try to take advantage of her, she will work with anyone. She lovingly pushes them to be their best selves. I hope that it is clear through my descriptions that Hannah Shin is a beautiful human with maturity, drive, curiosity, and leadership skills. I am positive that she has the resilience to push through the challenging times of life. She is a worthy recipient of your scholarship, and I hope that you consider her among your top candidates. Thank you for your time and consideration. Respectfully, Jessica Ventre Science Teacher 770-888-1235 ext 461256

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