Alex Knight recommends Rebecca Brantley

Alex Knight (

To Whom It May Concern: I write this letter on behalf of Becca Brantley to unequivocally endorse her for your consideration to receive the Georgia Engineering Foundation Scholarship award for Fall 2024; and with it, all the honor and title one may merit from such an award. First, Becca's academic ability is unmatched by almost any other student to have graduated from her high school—and I contend unmatched by most students in the college environment in the state of Georgia and the greater Southeast. As a teacher and tutor, I have associated with students from 10 different schools across the state of Georgia in academic, teacher-student settings—including in the subjects of Algebra 1 and 2, Calculus, AP Physics, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, Biochemistry, and other science and math subjects. My experience in Gifted-Honors Chemistry and AP Physics C: Mechanics leads me to consider Becca to be among the top 0.1% of any of these students regarding academic excellence and potential. Further, Becca confers remarkable perseverance in the face of new, challenging problems and rigorous content, demonstrating the dynamic versatility to understand—and to prevail over—any scenario that she may encounter. Becca possesses a business-like, problem-solving adroitness that is especially distinct as it culminates in a relentlessness to attain academic material—not simply limited to material outlined by state and national curricula. Becca's overall body of work as a student-citizen-leader-[…etc.]—indeed, a loaded apostrophic placeholder—yet amplified by her manifold laudable attributes, conveys she is excellently equipped for the rigors ahead in the multicultural, university learning environment. In addition to leading in classroom settings and the gradebook, Becca leads naturally, inclusively in and among her peers, community and within extracurricular activities. In volunteer capacities, Becca injects her positive, bright personality into mission projects engaged in by the local church, into children’s church ministry and service opportunities, and into manifold other events sponsored by community leaders and local businesses. Becca served in high school through campus organizations in specific roles such as in exclusive, selective leadership teams working at the front lines to establish strong culture at the school. Clubs and organizations like SkillsUSA, Beta Club, National Honors Society and FFA afforded Becca opportunities to be honored and to hone and develop servant-leader abilities. Once a more significant vessel by which Becca portrayed her passion is through the competitive environment of Fast-pitch Softball. Becca played hard and competed for years until a series of injuries forced her to step aside from a game she loved. The resiliency and grit she acquired in and through the tough practices and season schedules, and through pressing through her final season in spite of her injury are irreplaceable for her—especially someone at her station in life. Other honors attributed to Becca may be found on her impressive resume. Furthermore, Becca prepares herself for the rigors of a future career through diligent work in the job market. Becca’s work in childcare and tutoring offers her versatility in managing relationships with others through practicing inculcation of objectively beneficial values and in communicating information clearly with keen attention to detail. As one serving the next generations, Becca willingly and generously gives of herself to babysitting and training children in pre-school and elementary ages. While not necessarily deemed a skilled task, Becca combines patience and kindness to care for children requiring intentional attention. Becca exhibits certain bravery to continue to answer the call to watch children. Herein one may find other attributes that transcend relationships made in serving and pledge to meet the needs in a grander context. Cumulatively, Becca’s resume appears to be quite tremendous; however, in getting to know Becca, it is apparent these measures are only the tip of the iceberg. Becca signifies the reinvigoration of America's school-age youth, especially in areas of complex problem-solving, creative thinking, and resiliency-in-spite-of-struggle. As is the case for Becca, one is not required indicate tasks or problems to solve; instead, one only needs to insert her into a role, simply providing an opportunity, and she will initiate a process, a systematic that efficaciously eliminates the flaw(s). Otherwise, in circumstances wherein there exists commonly broached curricula—nuanced even to perplex the most adept—task Becca with the scenario, and she will discover a solution. Whether requiring depth of thought or continued trial, Becca tenaciously meets every challenge with poise, and resolves it with consistently outstanding fluency. While endeavoring to realize a greater purpose perpetuated in the community and throughout school involvement, Becca exhibits extraordinary qualities and draws upon meaningful, practical experiences to sharpen her tack in striving beyond. There remains zero apprehension concerning Becca in fulfilling any new demands set before her amid the socio-academic spectrum of collegiate life. In fact, the opposite—it will be the future’s landscape itself that will be marked by the trail Becca blazes. Moreover, any field of study, any industrial organization, and any scholarship selection committee would be excellently represented by its awarding of Becca Brantley with the esteemed honor and namesake prize. Warm Regards, Alex Knight

Leah Schulz (

To whom it may concern, I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Yusuf, who I had the pleasure of working with as a tutor for middle and high school students. Throughout our time together, he demonstrated exceptional dedication, intelligence, and a remarkable ability to connect with the students he tutored. Yusuf showed a natural talent for teaching and a deep understanding of the subjects he tutored. He excelled academically but also had a unique way of breaking down concepts for students who had trouble. In addition to his academic prowess, Yusuf exemplified strong leadership qualities. He took the initiative to organize study sessions and was always willing to go the extra mile for the students he tutored. Yusuf is not only an exceptional tutor but also a person of great integrity and character. He approached each tutoring session with professionalism and empathy, always considering the individual needs of his peers. His strong communication skills and ability to connect with others make him a valuable asset in any setting. Best, Leah Schulz

Diego Magana (

Dear Georgia Engineering Foundation, I am delighted to write this letter of recommendation for Yusuf, whom I had the pleasure of coaching during his AAU Senior basketball season for GoHard Academy. Throughout our time together, at Gohard Academy Yusuf gave his all and showed an immense amount of work ethic. From the beginning, Yusuf stood out not only for his skills on the court but also for his commitment to improving and supporting his teammates. He displayed a genuine passion for basketball, which inspired others around him. His ability to set goals and pursue them relentlessly was evident during our practices and competitions. In addition to his athletic abilities, Yusuf possessed strong leadership qualities. He consistently encouraged his peers, offered constructive feedback, and led by example. He has a strong sense of sportsmanship and respect for others which truly distinguishes him as a role model within the team. I am confident that Yusuf will excel in whatever they pursue next, whether in athletics, academics, or other endeavors. His combination of talent and character will serve him well as an engineer and whichever challenges he faces Sincerely, Coach Magana

Feride Ceren Kose (

Joshua is a student in my Accelerated Calculus 3 for Engineers class, an advanced version of an already difficult subject for most students. Currently in his first semester at UGA, and as a first-year student, Joshua is in a class where many of his peers are in their second or third year. Despite this, he is performing well. He consistently attends lectures, listens attentively, and achieved a solid score on the first test. Joshua has shown himself to be a responsible and hardworking student, and I am confident that he will continue to succeed.

Michael Heyliger (

To whom it may concern, I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Yusuf Al-Kadi, who I had the privilege of mentoring during their time at The Walker School. As his research mentor, I witnessed firsthand Yusuf’s exceptional dedication, intellect, and grit. During his research on an analysis of diversity initiatives in public schools, Yusuf demonstrated remarkable analytical skills and critical thinking. He approached challenges with creativity and persistence. He went above and beyond to make sure his report was at its utmost best. His contributions significantly enriched our project, leading to his speech in mid-October. In addition to his academic prowess, Yusuf is a natural collaborator. He worked seamlessly with peers, displaying strong communication skills and a genuine willingness to help others succeed. Their leadership qualities shone through during group discussions, where he encouraged open dialogue and fostered a supportive environment. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at my email. Sincerely, Michael Heyliger

Laura Griffin (

To whom it may concern, I am pleased to be writing this letter of recommendation on behalf of my former student Bryce Williamson. I had the pleasure of teaching Bryce from 2021 to 2023 during his sophomore and junior years at Harlem High School. Bryce is an exceptional student who is highly dedicated and motivated in all he does. It has been a true honor to watch as Bryce has matured into a capable, talented, well rounded young man and I whole-heartedly recommend him for the Georgia Engineering Foundation Scholarship. As a sophomore, Bryce already stood out among his peers as an outstanding student in my chemistry class. He was always eager to learn and displayed a high level of intelligence. Bryce was often quick to comprehend the material we were covering; however, whenever he did not understand the content, he would make sure to find time before or after school to ask me questions in a timely and respectful manner. In all interactions I have observed regarding Bryce, I have seen nothing but the utmost respect and integrity for his peers and his teachers. Bryce is a student I can always depend on to complete his work and keep up with his responsibilities. As a junior, I had Bryce in my AP Chemistry class. It was in this class that I had the opportunity to watch how Bryce responded to a challenge. It did not take Bryce long to discover that AP Chemistry was a very different course from regular chemistry. Despite the difficult material, Bryce never gave up. Rather, he continued to put forth more effort and as a result, I saw his ability to analyze and solve difficult problems improve throughout the year. As a result of his sustained effort, Bryce earned a well deserved passing score on the exam at the end of the year. There is no doubt in my mind that Bryce will make an excellent addition to the UGA Engineering Program. During his time in high school, Bryce has received multiple accolades for his academic performance including the National AP Scholar Award for students from small or rural towns and the UGA Certificate of Merit award for being in the top five percent of his class. Bryce has so much to offer and I know that he will go on to do great things and he is very deserving of any applicable scholarships. Sincerely, Laura Griffin Science Educator, Harlem High School

Ninfa (Hilario-Antonio)

Ashleigh Wright (

Dear Georgia Engineering Foundation Scholarship Committee, I am writing to recommend Will Nelson for your scholarship. As Will's AP Government teacher at SEBHS, I had the pleasure of witnessing his remarkable dedication to history and his outstanding character firsthand. In my time teaching Will, it was evident that his passion for history extends far beyond the confines of our classroom. His enthusiasm for understanding the past and its impact on the present is truly inspiring. Whether engaging in lively class discussions or delving into projects, Will consistently demonstrated an exceptional level of curiosity, insight, and critical thinking. Beyond his academic pursuits, Will is a well-rounded individual who actively contributed to the school community and beyond. His involvement in sports, student council, and the Georgia High School Association Student-Athlete Advisory Council exemplified his commitment to both athletic and leadership endeavors. Furthermore, his membership in the National Honor Society underscored his dedication to academic excellence and service. One aspect of Will's character that particularly stands out is his altruism and empathy. His volunteer work as a Royal Family Kids Camp Counselor, where he mentored children in foster care, speaks volumes about his compassion and willingness to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Will's ability to connect with and support those in need reflects his admirable character and genuine desire to contribute to the betterment of society. In summary, Will Nelson is an exceptional individual who embodies the qualities of a scholar, leader, and compassionate citizen. His passion for history, coupled with his diverse involvement in extracurricular activities and service, makes him an outstanding candidate for the Georgia Engineering Foundation Scholarship. I have no doubt that Will will continue to excel academically, make significant contributions to his community, and pursue his passion for history with unwavering enthusiasm. Sincerely, Ashleigh Wright Southeast Bulloch High School 9184 Brooklet-Denmark Highway Brooklet, GA 30415 912-842-8440

Russell James (

My name is Russell James and I am a former teacher of Bryce Williamson. I was fortunate to have Bryce in my AP United States Government and Politics class (yearlong). As an educator, every year my classroom population and demographics changed, but I could always count on having a few students who would challenge me. When teachers tell this story, most people think of students who cause disruptions, have low self-determination, little to no work ethic, and who are difficult to work with. But there is another group of students, often a small group, that challenge us in a different way. They arrive prepared, on time, with a number of questions related to last nights reading. They research standard topics to fill gaps left by the lesson. They know more about certain topics than the educator orchestrating the classroom. Bryce is a leader in this group. I can say with no hesitation that Bryce is one of the finest students to ever grace my classroom. He is a young man of high intelligence and character. Every assignment was completed on time with high quality. He was always prepared. He made the highest test grades on summative assessments. He was aware and present at all times. I believe Bryce will overcome any trials and tribulations set before him because of his high character and determination to succeed. On top of his work ethic, Bryce is a good and kind human being. My classroom was made better with his presence. It is an honor to write this recommendation for one of my finest students. His resolve will bring quality to whichever university or organization he joins.

Reginald Thompson (

To Whom It May Concern, It is a great pleasure to recommend Zahria Dickerson for admittance opportunity at your Institution. She is one of the most exceptional students I have encountered in my many years of teaching. I taught Zahria in the Career Technical class and advised her in Career Technical Instruction Organization. She has a keen interest in and talent for Engineering. Her advanced skills and passion for the subject make her an ideal fit for this rigorous challenge in whatever field she decides. Zahria is a perceptive, sharp, quick individual with a high aptitude for math and science. She has been a strong leader in Career Technical Student Organization, eager to share her knowledge with others and learn new skills. I have the students in the club prepare lessons and take turns leading our school meetings. When it was Zahria’s turn, she showed up prepared with a fascinating lecture and fun activities that got everyone moving and talking. Zahria's personal strengths are as impressive as her intellectual accomplishments. She's an active, outgoing presence in class with a great sense of humor. Zahria's the perfect person to get a group project rolling, but she also knows how to sit back and let others take the lead. Her cheerful nature and openness to feedback means she's always learning and growing as a learner, an impressive strength that will continue to serve her well. Zahria is just the kind of driven, engaging, and curious student that helped make our classroom a lively environment and safe place to take intellectual risks. Zahria has my highest recommendation for an opportunity at your Institution. She has demonstrated excellence in all that she puts her mind to, whether it's designing an experiment, or collaborating with others. Zahria’s endless curiosity, combined with her willingness to take risks, leads me to believe there will be no limit to her growth and achievements in college and beyond. Please don't hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions. Sincerely, Mr. Reginald Thompson Career Technical Instructor Engineering & Technology

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